Child Support

How to Modify Your Child Custody Order

Child custody orders are not permanent. In some cases, when the lives of the parents or the needs of the children change, the order may be modified to accommodate them. However, it is generally believed that stability and consistency are paramount to the wellbeing of the children, there are two facts you must prove for your request for a modification to be successful.

First, you must demonstrate that there was a significant change of circumstances that will impact the welfare of your children. Second, the modification you are seeking is in your children’s best interests.

Modifying Your Child Custody Order

There are numerous circumstances in which a judge may grant a modification of a child custody order.

Here are some of the situations in which a judge might grant such a request:

  • One of the children’s parents is relocating. Physical relocation is not reason enough for modification to be granted. However, if the parent is moving for a better job opportunity that can improve the lives of the children or to be closer to family who can offer child care, a judge may grant the request.
  • When a parent refuses to comply with the child custody order, this is considered a serious matter. It is important to document the details of these incidents, so the petitioning parent can present it in court as evidence.
  • The children are no longer safe in their current environment. For example, if there is emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, a modification will likely be granted to protect the child. In cases where the danger is immediate or urgent, it is crucial to contact the police.
  • One or both parents’ situations changed. A lot in our lives can change, so if a parent’s schedule changes, it can warrant a modification of the current custody order. If a parent was previously struggling with substance abuse and later gets sober and secures a good job, this may result in more scheduled visitation with the children.

If you are modifying your child custody order, do not hesitate to contact an experienced family law attorney.

Reach Out to Our Compassionate Child Custody Team for a Case Review Today!

If your circumstances significantly changed and you need to modify your child custody order, contact the family law team at Crossman & McNamee, LLC for the skilled legal guidance you need. We can help you achieve your goals and protect the best interests of your children.

Call our law office today at (937) 468-3796 to set up a case review with one of our attorneys.
